8GW of new power capacity needed to avoid outages: energy minister

TEHRAN – Iran is going to need 8000 megawatts (MW) of new electricity capacity to prevent outages in the next summer, Tasnim news agency reported on Saturday quoting the energy minister.
“Our estimate is that, the peak demand for the summer of 1398 [next Iranian calendar year], will reach over 61,000 MW while our current operational capacity is 53,000 MW, so we need to provide the 8,000 MW deficit by the next summer,” Reza Ardakanian said.
According to the official, of the mentioned 8,000 MW required capacity, some 4200 MW is going to be supplied through establishing new thermal power plants and the rest will be compensated by managing consumption and demand.
During the hot season in Iran, over-usage of air-conditioning appliances leads to a significant jump in electricity consumption among the household consumers which consequently results in a series of daily power outages across the country.
There are various factors and reasons which could contribute to the electricity shortage in Iran’s power network. Lack of enough power plants and drought could be mentioned as two of such factors.
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