‘Forbidding wrong should be directed toward plunderers’
September 15, 2018 - 4:15

TEHRAN – Interim Friday Prayer preacher of Tehran Ayatollah Kazem Sediqqi says that enjoining good and forbidding wrong should be primarily directed toward “political and economic roughnecks” who are plundering and looting the country.
Addressing worshippers in Tehran on Friday, Ayatollah Seddiqi said there’s no use in confronting the weak. “People have seen this and they now think enjoining good and forbidding wrong is a joke,” he said, Fars reported.
“You should start from the top and follow the path of Imam Hussain (AS),” he told authorities. “Imam Hussain (AS) did not confront the people of Kufa, rather, he confronted Yazid.”
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