Aerospace technology development is a solution to environmental challenges: minister

TEHRAN – Iran’s aerospace technology development plan should be at service to solve national problems like water shortage and land use change, the communications and information technology minister said.
Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi made the remarks during a meeting with strategic committee of Iran’s Supreme Council of Space on Monday, ILNA reported.
Iran should provide an exact and fully operational space technology roadmap according to the national 1404 (March 2025-March 2026) Outlook Plan, he added.
With a comprehensive plan, the council provide an opportunity for supervision on development of the projects, he explained.
Headed by President Hassan Rouhani, the Supreme Council of Space observe activities of Iran Space Agency, which is mandated to cover and support all the activities in Iran concerning the peaceful applications of space science and technology.
The Council’s main goals included policy making for the application of space technologies aiming peaceful uses of outer space, manufacturing, launching and use of the national research satellites, approving the space related state and private sector programs, promoting the partnership of the private and cooperative sectors in efficient uses of space, and identifying guidelines concerning the regional and international cooperation in space issues.
To follow and implement the strategies set by the Council, Iranian Space Agency (ISA), affiliated with the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, in the form of an autonomous organization, was organized.
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