First school for autistic girls to open in Tehran

TEHRAN – The first school for autistic girls will be opened by the beginning of the [Iranian calendar] month of Mehr (in the new school year, starting on September 23) in Tehran, deputy director for educational planning department of the Special Education Organization has said.
The lack of a specific school for girl students suffering autism in Tehran was one of the important issues for the organization, Mohsen Ghafourian said, ILNA reported on Sunday.
Currently, students with autism are studying at 25 public schools and 15 private schools, he stated.
One of the best schools for children suffering autism, equipped with the standards facilities in Iran, has been set up in Ahvaz province, southern Iran, and the second one is under construction, he remarked, adding that some autism schools are under construction in other provinces, including Qazvin, Kermanshah, and Khorasan Razavi.
Also, some of the northern provinces of the country are lookingforward to build autism schools. “To do so, we need the help of donors and contributors,” Ghafourian added.
“This year, we will assign an appropriate amount of money toeducation and rehabilitation of autistic students,” he highlighted.
He further explained that standard conditions are required for students with autism, but Special Education Organization’sapproach is to allow some autistic students [who are high-functioning], to study in ordinary schools.
Where specific training is required, it is essential to have specific structures, special classes and well-trained teachers, so observing the basic rights of special students is our priority, he remarked.
He stated that parents and community play an important role in children with autism lives and education. “So, this year, we have produced good content to raise awareness and improve people’s attitudes towards these children.”
“We plan to train teachers for autism schools, to provide students with high quality services. In this regard, universities and higher education institutes should be further supportive so that we can succeed in this manner,” he concluded.
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