Road fatalities up 24% in New Year holidays

TEHRAN — Road crash fatalities have increased by 24 percent during the Iranian New Year holidays (from March 16 to April 4) compared to the corresponding period last year.
As per the data published on May 21 by Iran’s forensics organization, 1,034 individuals lost their lives in road crashes (both inside the cities and on intercity roads) over the aforesaid time span which demonstrates a 24-percent rise year on year.
In other words, traffic-related accidents claimed 51.7 lives on a daily basis on average over the holidays. Last year, 874 individuals were killed in road crashes, meaning 46.1 individuals per day on average.
Some 72 percent of the deaths occurred among men and the rest were women. While in general men outnumber women in number of deaths resulted from traffic related fatalities, many families lose their breadwinners in accidents.
The highest number of accidents resulting in deaths occurred on March 30 and April 2 with 65 individuals dead on each day. April 4 set the record low for the smallest number of deaths over the holidays with 34 people passed way.
Fars, Kerman and Khorasan Razavi with 99, 75 and 73 deaths were the provinces with the highest death rates in the same period while Ardebil, Bushehr, Ilam and Alborz with 6, 10, 11, and 11 deaths are the four provinces with the lowest number of deaths reported.
Distracted drivers are the top causes of car accidents. A distracted driver diverts his or her attention from the road, usually to talk on a cell phone, send a text message or eat food. traveling above speed limit, driving under the influence of drugs, reckless driving, poor weather conditions, running red lights, night driving, drowsy driving, defective automobiles, tailgating, and road rage are only some of the causes of fatal accidents.
Granted substandard vehicles and poor road conditions are also among the main causes of accidents, however, drivers play a bigger part in preventing or causing accidents.
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