Psychopaths seem to have gathered of late

A message from a friend this week, writing: “Martin, perhaps you are one of the few Americans who can actually broadcast to the Iranians that we, the mass of the people here in the U.S., do not see them as enemies.”
This statement is quite true, at least among Americans who know something or other about the Middle East and Iran. Unfortunately, I cannot say this about the Trump Administration as it this month has been rejiggered with new appointees such as Mike Pompeo and Gina Haspel. I wrote on March 17th in the Tehran Times that it appeared Trump was aiming to appoint Neocon warmonger John Bolton as his National Security Advisor.
That happened on March 22, a day of infamy in my view. Bolton is such a dangerous figure that when he was U.S. ambassador to the UN during George Bush’s term as President he is said to have stated that if the top 12 floors of the UN building in New York City were destroyed by a missile, it would not make a whit of difference. On that statement alone Bolton belongs at Guantanamo as a “terrorist”.
Worse, the prospect that the U.S. will attack Iran increases enormously with Bolton working in the White House. According to reports, he has been obsessed for many years with war on Iran, and called for bombing the Islamic Republic repeatedly when interviewed on Fox News. He is a total supporter of the right wing Zionists, too, as would be expected with such demands. He does not at all understand the consequences of such an attack, and moreover, he has been one of the prime influences on Trump to tear up the JCPOA. He has also danced to the tune of the primary financier behind both Trump and Netanyahu, casino magnate Sheldon Adelson.
According to journalist Gareth Porter, when Bolton was working at the State Department, he initialed a “devious strategy aimed at creating the justification for an attack on Iran” by seeking to convict Iran internationally of having a covert nuclear WMD program. He used propaganda and loads of fabricated evidence, most of that created by Mossad. There was no such covert program, as everyone knows.
He was working for Dick Cheney in fact, and with the Israelis, not for his boss, Colin Powell, at the State Department. Just before the war on Iran began in 2003, Bolton is said to have promised the Zionists that the U.S. would destroy Syria and Iran as well. But allegedly the Pentagon was cautious about these subterfuges 15 or so years ago, and allegedly again, the Pentagon REMAINS cautious about any moves to plan or execute an attack on Iran.
One can only hope that caution, which seems real, is strong and remains so. Perhaps Trump will be impeached? That would be in my view a welcome event at this point for a President who has rejected virtually all his campaign promises in 2016.
But let’s conjecture a bit. Muhammad ibn Salman has been feted in Washington in recent days, and reports are circulating that Israeli warplanes have actually been training with the Saudis and possibly the Emirates air forces, too. And we already know that Trump has given the Zionists carte blanche, what with the move of the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
Netanyahu has also been in Washington this month. One has to wonder if there has been an unannounced conclave between the Zionists, Saudis and the U.S. to discuss and coordinate war plans on Iran as well as on Syria and Hizballah. Allah help us because it’s possible this coming summer could be very hot indeed.
No doubt Iranian authorities know about this nexus of warmongers appearing in Washington this past month and come to some speculations themselves about what it all means. I don’t think with Bolton in Trump’s ear the JCPOA has a chance of surviving. Whether other signatories to the deal have the spine to stand up to the U.S. is anyone’s guess at this point, but I can’t imagine European signatories or Russia, for examples, can stand by and allow the Saudis, Zionist and U.S. to attack Iran. What’s in it for them?
Nothing that I can imagine but yet more subservience to a U.S. government that has gone rogue and quiet possibly, desperately, insane. The U.S. is by the way threatening European countries and companies that want to see the Nord Stream II gas pipeline completed to Germany.
The U.S. aim is simply to undercut Russia’s energy sales to Europe and replace Russian supply with more expensive LNG gas shipped from U.S. sources. Few are happy about this, and it may be that this will inspire countries like Germany and France to object to threats or actions against Iran. One can only hope.
I know that many American friends, like the one quoted above and myself, too, are frightened and appalled at what could be taking shape in Washington, Israel and Riyadh. And above all we do not see Iran as any kind of “enemy”. But what can we do? If we had the ear of Iranian leaders I know we would say to pull your allies and friends and possible friendly countries in close and together figure out strategies to fast obviate hostilities to Iran or its allies by creating more “caution” in the Pentagon. In fact, such enormous caution that Trump and minions are discredited and shunned as psychopaths.
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