Iran calls UN rights’ stance on protests ‘regrettable’

TEHRAN – Iran’s High Council for Human Rights issued a statement on Saturday describing the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights’ stance on supporting recent riots in Iran as “regrettable”.
Certain countries and human rights bodies backed protests in Iran which run contrary to the UN charter and international law, the statement said.
A number of protest rallies, which first started in Mashhad on 28, spread to other cities in the country with demonstrators complaining about high prices, unemployment and corruption. However, the protests turned violent in some cities, with hooligans targeting police stations and religious sites.
According to officials, over 20 people have been killed since the violence erupted.
The statement by Iran’s High Council for Human Rights said, “Based on its constitution, the Islamic Republic of Iran uphold the people’s right to hold peaceful gatherings and is determined to protect this right and also the people’s security against violent and subversive acts.”
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