Rouhani appoints new advisors, vice-president

TEHRAN – In separate decrees on Monday President Hassan Rouhani appointed Hossein-Ali Amiri as vice president for parliamentary affairs and Reza Farajidana, Akbar Torkan and Hojatoleslam Ali Yunesi as his advisors.
Hosseinali Amiri, born in 1967 in Kermanshah, holds a PhD degree in public law. He was vice-president for parliamentary affairs during the first term of Rouhani as well.
Rouhani appointed Reza Farajidana as his advisor for scientific affairs.
He was born in Qom in 1960. He studied electrical engineering at the University of Tehran and at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada. He graduated with a PhD degree from University of Waterloo in 1993.
He was minister of science, research and technology from October 2013 to August 2014.
Akbar Torkan was appointed as presidential advisor for renovation of rundown areas in cities.
He was born in Tehran in 1952. He graduated from the Sharif University of Technology with a mechanical engineering degree. He is the current CEO of the Construction Engineering Organization.
Torkan was also the secretary of the High Council for Free Zones.
He was the minister of defense and minister of transport in the administration of Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani.
Rouhani also reappointed Ali Younesi as presidential advisor for ethnic and religious minorities.
Born in 1951 in Nahavand, Younesi was the head of the Islamic Revolution Court of Tehran and later head of the politico-ideological bureau of Islamic Revolution Guards Corps.
Younensi was also intelligence minister from 2000 to 2005 in the Khatami administration.
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