Iran’s Chogan, Kamancheh closer to UNESCO tags

TEHRAN – UNESCO will soon announce the possible inclusion of “Chogan, a horse-riding game accompanied by music and storytelling” and “Art of crafting and playing with Kamancheh” proposed by Iran in the world heritage list.
Final decisions will be reached at the 12th session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, which will be held in Jeju, Republic of Korea, on December 4.
Like polo, Chogan is an ancient team sport played on horseback with the objective of scoring goals using a long-handled mallet.
The bearers of the game include Choganbazan, storytellers (Naqqals, Morsheds, etc.) and musicians, according to a dossier submitted to the UNESCO on March 31, 2016.
Choganbazan are referred to (as) game players who are divided into two teams regardless of age or gender while storytellers recite epic stories or poetry accompanied by music, mainly before the game commences.
A stringed instrument of the fiddle family, Kamancheh has a membrane belly and is played either by soloists or in ensembles.
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