Work on nuclear propulsion system started, Iran says

TEHRAN - Behrooz Kamalvandi, spokesman for the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, said on Monday that Iran has put nuclear-propulsion system for vessels on its agenda as part of efforts to counter the anti-Iran U.S. moves.
“The Atomic Energy Organization of Iran is implementing this plan, however, we cannot say that it will be unveiled in one year,” Kamalvandi said during a press conference.
It takes four to five years to implement this plan, he noted.
“Four to five years of research and simulation are required to implement this plan. Complicated steps in the area of fuel and reactor should be taken. Specialists are holding regular meetings whose details cannot be announced publicly and only some general information can be released,” he said.
He also said the U.S. and Europeans are not happy with the implementation of the nuclear propulsion system, yet the Atomic Energy Organization has put it on the agenda.
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani ordered in December 2016 the development of a nuclear-propulsion system for vessels in response to U.S. sanctions against Iran.
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