Trump cornered on his Iran rhetoric

TEHRAN – U.S. President Donald Trump has been attacked by various world dignitaries for his decertification of the Iran deal and his harsh rhetoric against the Islamic Republic.
Hillary Clinton has said Trump’s initiative to ditch the Iran deal is “very dangerous”.
“I think it’s very dangerous. I think to talk about decertifying… sends the wrong message for a number of reasons,” Clinton told CNN’s Fareed Zakaria on Friday.
“First of all, it basically says America’s word is not good. That even in the absence of evidence that Iran is not complying with the Iran nuclear deal, this president is going to abandon it.”
“We have different presidents, and this particular president is, I think, upending the kind of trust and credibility of the United States’ position and negotiation that is imperative to maintain,” she noted.
“Secondly, it once again gives Iran an advantage. If Iran is complying, which all the evidence is, then all of a sudden, instead of working to isolate Iran, on every issue, we are giving Iran the spotlight, the aggrieved party spotlight. That makes us look foolish and small and plays right into Iranian hands.”
Russia: Trump’s speech runs counter to norms of civilized world
In a statement issued on Friday, Russia’s Foreign Ministry said Trump’s speech “once again underlines the inadmissibility of using aggressive and threatening rhetoric in international relations” and that such language was “doomed to fail.”
“It is a hangover from the past, which does not correspond to modern norms of civilized dealings between countries,” the Russian statement read.
Elsewhere in its statement, the Russian Foreign Ministry said it “viewed with regret” Trump’s decision on the JCPOA, saying, “We expect that this step will not have a direct effect on the progress of implementation of the agreements, although, clearly, it does not correspond to the spirit and letter.”
It further reiterated that the Islamic Republic was strictly abiding by the terms of the deal.
“In particular, there can be no talk of a renewal of sanctions via the UN Security Council,” it added.
“Russia remains committed to the JCPOA, is interested in preserving it, and will continue to fulfill its obligations under it. We call on all other participants to do the same,” it said.
Jack Straw: Trump ignorant of reality in Iran
Former British foreign secretary Jack Straw reacted to the speech by Trump on his new strategy towards Iran by saying that Trump is willfully ignorant of the reality of Iran.
“An appalling decision by a U.S. President willfully ignorant of the reality of Iran, and of the fact that Iran has complied with the JCPOA”, Straw said in an exclusive comment to the Islamic Republic News Agency.
“It was a terrible and shocking speech by the U.S. president,” Straw added.
In another development, Richard Bacon, chairman of the All Party Parliamentary Group, said in an exclusive statement to IRNA that Iran has adhered to its obligations under the JCPOA, which has been confirmed on many occasions by the International Atomic Energy Agency.
He said, “All the signatories of the JCPOA, including the United States, agreed to the verification process which the IAEA has followed.”
“There is simply no case for saying that Iran is in breach of the JCPOA.” he stressed, adding, “The United States is both a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency and a signatory to the JCPOA.”
IAEA reconfirms Iran’s compliance with JCPOA
The Director General of the IAEA, Yukiya Amano, confirmed once again that the Islamic Republic of Iran is honoring all it nuclear-related commitments under the nuclear deal.
“As I have reported to the Board of Governors, the nuclear-related commitments undertaken by Iran under the JCPOA are being implemented,” Amano said in a statement shortly after Trump refused to certify the deal.
“The IAEA’s verification and monitoring activities address all the nuclear-related elements under the JCPOA. They are undertaken in an impartial and objective manner and in accordance with the modalities defined by the JCPOA and standard safeguards practice,” Amano added.
UN Chief calls for keeping Iran nuclear deal
United Nations Secretary General António Guterres also in a statement called for keeping Iran nuclear deal.
The secretary general has repeatedly said that the adoption of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action was a very important breakthrough to consolidate nuclear non-proliferation and advance global peace and security, UN News Center quoted UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric as saying on Friday.
“The UN chief strongly hopes that it will remain in place,” Dujarric added.
Immediately after his declaration of new Iran strategy in which Trump refused to certify Iran’s compliance with the nuclear deal, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said, “Today, the United States is lonelier than ever in the face of the JCPOA.”
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