Mine blast one week on: 43 bodies recovered, rescue efforts underway

TEHRAN -- Rescue operations are still underway after 43 corpses recovered from a coal mine that exploded in the northeastern province of Golestan on May 3.
According to reports, the last body which had been trapped after the blast in the mine has been recovered.
The incident happened at the Zemestanyurt mine at a time when workers were changing shifts, according to local media. The mine employed more than 500 people.
Golestan province’s presiding judge announced that the mine contractor has been summoned to appear before the court and answered to some questions.
“The contractor is not under arrest but whoever is at fault would certainly face punishment,” Hadi Hashemian noted, saying, so far some of the late miners’ families and some of those who sustained injuries by the blast have filed complaints.
The rescue operations ran into trouble as poisonous gases filled the tunnels making it very hard for the rescue workers to continue. In addition, fears of the tunnel collapsing also hampered the rescue operations.
Several world officials have sent condolences and paid tribute to families and victims of the incident.
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