Hand-cut lead glass vessels on show at CHTHO

TEHRAN – Sets of hand-cut lead glass and crystal vessels created by a senior Iranian artisan are on display at the Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts Organization (CHTHO) in Tehran.
Veteran glassblower Ebrahim Nabati has selected eighty works for the exhibit, the majority of them are in the forms of flower pots, cups, fruit bowls and tea sets, CHTN reported on Sunday.
Nabati who is a native of Tabriz has held several solo and group exhibits inside and outside the country over the past two decades. In 2015, the World Crafts Council announced his hometown as world city of handicrafts.
Organized under the auspices of the CHTHO Exports Department, the showcase comes to an end on Feb. 15.
From the historical point of view, it is not certain in which of the civilizations of the ancient Near East glass was first made. However, according to Encyclopedia Britannica, the earliest wholly glass objects from Egypt are beads dating from some time after c. 2500 BC.
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