Iranian officials felicitate Iraq on Fallujah recapture

June 19, 2016 - 9:13

TEHRAN – Ranking Iranian officials have felicitated the Iraqi nation and government on recapturing the strategic city of Fallujah.

On the occasion, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif offered congratulations to the Iraqi people and its government for liberating the city from terrorist hands, hailing it a “manifestation of ... divine victory for those who fight for God.”
Iraqi forces on Friday entered the center of Fallujah, the city held the longest by ISIL, nearly four weeks after the start of the offensive. 

Fallujah, nearly 50 kilometers west of the capital Baghdad, was the first Iraqi city ISIL took control of in early 2014.
Zarif further expressed hope that further conquests against terrorist groups are awaiting the Iraqi nation.  
Also, Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani on Saturday offered congratulations to the Iraqi nation over the victory. 
In a message to his Iraqi counterpart Salim al-Jabouri, Larijani described the recapture of Fallujah as a great achievement, saying the honor has its roots in the national solidarity and unity in the Arab country and trust in God against extremist groups, according to Tasnim. 
"Fallujah has returned to the homeland. Our troops are in control of the city and have tightened their grip on its center," Abadi said in a televised address.

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