IHRC Deplores MKO's Activities Under NGO Cover

April 19, 1999 - 0:0
TEHRAN -- The Tehran-based Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) on Saturday deplored that the terrorist Mojahedeen Khalq Organization (MKO) has taken shelter under the cover of several non-governmental organizations (NGOs). In a letter to the United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan, the commission said the MKO is actively taking part and attending the related Economic and Social Commission (ECOSOC) meetings and among them, the International Falcon Movement (IFM) being an NGO which is struck there in the capacity of ECOSOC's counselling counterpart, having obtained the authorization of NGO's credentials office in the UN publication.

"Every year in the meetings of Human Rights Commission in Geneva, we are witnessing that the MKO members attend there within framework of the United Nations casting the shade of a negative attitudes and plan turned out to be an outset of a functional accelerating factor in the Iranian social evolutions toward a more generally developed and evolved national trend," said the letter signed by Islamic Human Right Commission's Secretary-General Ziaei-Far. Ziaei-Far said it is with profound regret to say that despite this good tasting tendency, the MKO terrorist group which has taken the sole way of armed conflict as its own strategy during the past two decades have committed so many crimes in Iran. He said during recent months also a series of terrorist attacks have been organized.

The MKO assumed responsibility for these operations subsequently. Ziaei-Far said, "we witnessed a few days ago the position and statement of your esteemed spokesperson in condemnation of the recent terrorist operation carried out by MKO, we would like to express our and the other human rights defender's gratitude and enthusiasm on this respect." (IRNA)