No realization of Islamic civilization without Islamic-Iranian model of progress, Ayatollah Khamenei says

Leader: Islamic civilization different from expansionism

April 26, 2016 - 10:19

THERAN - In a meeting on Monday with members of the high council of the Center for the Islamic-Iranian Model of Progress, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said the main goal of the Islamic Revolution is the “realization of the Islamic Civilization.” 

Referring to wrong underpinnings of global development patterns and the need for proposing the Islamic-Iranian model, the Leader named “jihadi and revolutionary working”, “using the rich and strong potential of Islamic resources and seminaries”, “having scientific clout”, and “discourse making” as requirements of the “Islamic-Iranian model of progress.” 
Explaining the fivefold process of actualizing goals of the Islamic Revolution and how these relate to the Islamic model, Ayatollah Khamenei noted, “The first stage of this process is formation of the Islamic Revolution, to be immediately followed by establishment of the Islamic system, which also was the great art of Imam Khomeini.” 

The Leader named “establishment of the Islamic government” based on purely Islamic patterns and criteria as the third stage of the process, saying until this stage is not actualized no Islamic community would be established. 

As the last of the stages, Ayatollah Khamenei pointed to the actualization of “Islamic civilization,” stressing, “Islamic civilization is not expansionism but minds of nations being influenced by Islam.” 

Elsewhere in his remarks, the Leader said strong faith is a prerequisite of success, expressing thanks to the members of the Supreme Council of the Center for the Islamic-Iranian Model of Progress.  


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