Illegally built hotel along Jajrood River to be demolished

April 6, 2016 - 19:45

TEHRAN - A committee in Tehran has reached a verdict to destroy a hotel built illegally near Jajrood River in northern Tehran, an official at Tehran governor general’s office said on Wednesday.

Hassan Karimi said the committee, consisting of the representatives from ministries of interior and transport as well as Judiciary, has voted for the destruction of the hotel, but the owner can appeal against the verdict.

Near Jajrood River a hotel has been built with a construction license for a hotel-restaurant including a seven story and a three story blocks. But after obtaining the construction license, the owner built a thirteen and a five story buildings, IRNA reported.

The hotel not only has occupied the river side but also it will pose environmental threat in the future as its swage will pour into Jajrood and from there to Latian dam which is one of the main suppliers of potable water for Tehranis.


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