Kuwait condemns Rushdie's knighting

June 28, 2007 - 0:0


alalam.ir) - The Kuwaiti National Assembly (NA) has expressed disappointment and discontent at Britain's award of knighthood to Salman Rushdie, the apostate author of the book Satanic Verses. The NA said in a statement that Kuwaiti National Assembly strongly condemns the decision to honor infidel writer Salman Rushdie by bestowing on him the title of Knight of the British Crown, describing the step as hurting Muslim feelings. The Kuwait government has also joined the Islamic Republic of Iran and Pakistan to summon the British ambassador in the country to protest the accolade given to the apostate author. The book, which was published in 1988, had angered Muslims throughout the world for its disrespectful allusions to the holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the Muslims. Kuwaiti NA statement added that "such measures as knighting those who combat the Islamic faith and challenge its principles do not create a positive climate or contribute to the success of any dialogue between civilizations, or help to create a common ground of understanding between the West and the Islamic world. The statement described the knighting as "provocative and unbecoming conduct that is likely to worsen the fundamentalist behavior that marks several cultures