South African official visits Iran national library

November 25, 2015 - 0:0

TEHRAN -- South African Deputy Minister of Arts and Culture Rejoice Thizwilondi Mabudafhasi visited the National Library and Archives of Iran (NLAI) on Tuesday.

She also held a meeting with NLAI Director Seyyed Reza Salehi-Amiri and a memorandum of understanding was also signed by the officials at the meeting, the NLAI announced in a press release.

Based on the MOU, both sides have undertaken to organize cultural weeks and meetings of academics.

“Iran was the first state to cut political relations with the apartheid regime in South Africa after the victory of the Islamic Revolution,” Salehi-Amiri said at the meeting.

“In Iran, the name of Nelson Mandela is sacred and our people view the developments in South Africa as positive,” he added.

Mabudafhasi expressed her hope that the MOU would help the expansion of relations between the NLAI and the South African Ministry of Arts and Culture.