Iran warns if sanctions not lifted Tehran will review its commitments

July 21, 2015 - 0:0

TEHRAN - After the United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution endorsing the nuclear deal between Iran and major powers the Iranian Foreign Ministry issued a resolution stating that Tehran will revise its commitments if sanctions remain in place or new ones are imposed on the Islamic republic.

In a part of the statement the Foreign Ministry said Iran considers technology, including nuclear technology, a common heritage of human beings and at the same time according to its strategy and ideology considers the production of weapons of mass destruction, especially nuclear arms, inhuman and a threat to world peace and security.

It also said Iran has been insisting on the need for total eradication of nuclear arms and based on the NPT it is ready to participate in all diplomatic and legal activities at the international stage to save all human beings from the menace of nuclear arms and their proliferation through establishing a nuclear-free world, especially in the Middle East

After the Security Council approved the resolution Iranian ambassador to the UN Gholam Ali Khoshrou said sanctions and threats of military aggression cannot uphold the NPT.

Khoshrou also said rights and obligations of parties to the NPT can only “go hand in hand.”

“The solution that we arrived at is undoubtedly in the interests of strengthening the regime of nuclear non-proliferation in its entirety as it includes and recognizes the right of Iran to develop nuclear energy for peaceful purposes,” Khoshrou told the Security Council meeting.

“The JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) is the result of a series of extensive and collective efforts that sought, for close to two years, to give diplomacy a chance and end the resort to pressure, coercion and threat,” the Iranian ambassador explained.

“This fundamentally different approach, which was a departure from the path traveled during the preceding years, helped all of us hope for the best possible way out, put an end to an unnecessary crisis and accomplish a major achievement for all the parties involved and the whole international community.”

In part of his speech to the council, the ambassador also said, “Iran, as a nation with a rich culture and civilization, has withstood enormous millennial storms while being steadfast in preserving its independence and identity. These have not been acquired through oppressing others or reneging on commitments. The steadfastness that our delegation showed during the negotiations stemmed from the fact that we only accept commitments that we can abide by. As Iran is resolute in fulfilling its obligations, we expect that our counterparts remain also faithful to theirs. Only through honoring commitments, displaying good faith and adopting the right approach can diplomacy prevail over conflict and war in a world that is replete with violence, suffering and oppression. In this context, the JCPOA provides a solid foundation for further and more effective diplomatic interaction.