Iran: Israel deserves collective punishment

June 1, 2010 - 0:0

Iran's Foreign Ministry has condemned Israel's deadly attack on an aid flotilla bound for the Gaza Strip as an act of ""maritime terrorism.""

The Israeli forces launched an attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla en route to the besieged Gaza Strip on Monday, killing at least 20 people and leaving 50 others injured.
One year after the Israeli attack on Gaza caused widespread devastation in the coastal strip, the convoy was seeking to pierce Israel's crippling blockade of Gaza and reach Palestinians.
""The regime's attack on the ships and its passengers is reminiscent of the acts of ancient pirates,"" according to a Foreign Ministry statement issued on Monday.
Across Europe, Israel's allies have frozen military ties and summoned the regime's ambassadors, condemning the raid that claimed at least 20 lives and wounded dozens more.
""Under the (1988) Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Maritime Navigation, this is a blatant example of maritime terrorism,"" the statement added.
Iran called for international action, recalling last year's deadly military operation that killed over 1,400 Gazans in the densely populated coastal enclave, and the concerns over use of illegal weapons, such as white phosphorus bombs.
""This is the time for the international community to adopt a resolute stance against the recurring crimes of this belligerent and occupationist regime,"" the statement said.
Moreover, Iranian Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi said on Monday the international community must isolate Israel for attacking the convoy.
""Israel triggered the countdown of its destruction by attacking the Freedom Flotilla,"" Brig. Gen. Vahidi said, according to ILNA.
The Iranian minister added that the imposition of all-encompassing sanctions, severing all diplomatic, economic and political ties with the Zionist regime is the least the international community could do against Israel for committing such a horrendous crime.
Vahidi said the U.S., Europe and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) must answer to the world public opinion why no action has been taken towards the nuclear disarmament of Israel, which is capable of committing such atrocities.
""This is an important test for the advocates of human rights which will show how committed they are to their slogans,"" Vahidi noted.
Secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council has vehemently condemned Israel's brutal attack, saying it shows the Israel's ""sheer desperation.""
""Under growing pressure from world public opinion, the criminal and terrorist Zionist regime has now resorted to maritime murder"", said Saeed Jalili, dismissing the attack as ""terrorist piracy.""
He said such moves by the Israeli regime symbolize Tel Aviv and Washington's ""60-year opposition to the freedom of nations"".
""The behavior of the Israeli regime over the past year, particularly the terrorist act this morning, indicates Obama's peace plan was a deceptive move aiming to buy the Zionist regime time,"" Jalili added.
He said the Israeli attack on the Gaza aid flotilla is a test of will for all those who claim to be advocates of freedom and human rights.
""The U.S. as well as the Zionist regime's regional and international sympathizers should be accountable to the world public opinion for supporting Tel Aviv,"" Jalili stated.
(Source: Press TV)