Senior MP meets religious minorities’ reps in Majlis

April 15, 2010 - 0:0

TEHRAN – Parliamentary Foreign Policy and National Security Committee Chairman Alaeddin Boroujerdi met with representative of the Assyrian and Chaldean Christian communities in the Majlis on Wednesday.

The Islamic Republic’s policies have brought about unity among religious minorities, and the Iranian nation takes pride in the fact that religious minorities have a representative in the parliament, Boroujerdi said.
A hidden link connects all the monotheistic communities together across the globe, he noted.
He said there are over 20,000 Assyrians in Iran and they have a representative in the Majlis, while in some European countries millions of Muslims are not represented in their parliaments.
At the meeting, the representative of Chaldean in the Majlis said that the Iranian Chaldeans have a great life in Iran and the enemies’ attempts to undermine this unity will all fail.
“Over the past 30 years, many good things have happened for Iranian Chaldeans such as the equalization of their blood money with that of Muslims.”
Blood money is a compensation paid to the next of kin of a murdered person