Brazil calls for expansion of industrial ties with Iran

April 4, 2010 - 0:0

TEHRAN -- The Brazilian ambassador to Tehran met the acting industry and mines minister in international affairs and called for the development of industrial, economic and trade relations with Iran.

The Mehr News Agency quoted the industry ministry reporting Brazilian Ambassador to Tehran Anthony Salgado telling Ahmad Khademolmelleh that Brazil is determined to expand ties in various fields with Iran.
Salgado pointed to the importance of bilateral ties and said that a Brazilian delegation consisting of his country’s minister of industry and trade accompanied by 80 industrialists and merchants will visit Iran in the near future.
He said in the Tehran meeting the two sides will get acquainted with the each other’s potentials and discuss ways to enhance relations.
The diplomat insisted that Brazil’s president is interested in improving relations with Iran.
Khademolmelleh said that a new chapter had opened in the two countries relations and the presidents of both nations were set on expanding ties.
He said in order to implement such relations it was necessary to take giant strides in industrial, mining, economic and energy cooperation.
Khademolmelleh stated that the two countries have abundant capacities for cooperation in different industrial and economic fields and can serve as a paradigm for relations among other developing states.
The Iranian official said Brazil’s rational diplomacy towards Iran was a sign of the country’s officials’ knowledge and good judgment of international developments and their national interests.
He added that Iran’s ministry of industries and mines which is the head of the Iran-Brazil Joint Economic Commission will mobilize all of Iran’s capacities to materialize the objectives of the two sides’ leaders.
The acting minister said that Brazil should not regard Iran simply as a marketplace for its products and should have a better look at Iran’s capacities and consider it as a reliable trade partner.
Iran is a heavyweight in energy, industry and trade in the region and regarding its geopolitical position could drastically change the economy of the two countries, he explained