Qatar keen to bolster relations with Iran

October 20, 2009 - 0:0

TEHRAN (FNA) - Qatari finance minister on Monday hailed his country's positive ties with the Islamic Republic of Iran, and underlined Doha's willingness to further expand relations with Tehran.

""The relations with Iran are of much importance to Qatar and Doha officials will spare no efforts to further advance and promote these relations in different fields,"" Qatari Finance Minister Yousef Hossein Kamal said at a meeting with Iranian Ambassador to Doha Abdullah Sohrabi.
Reminding the political resolve of the Iranian and Qatari officials to facilitate and speed up expansion of bilateral relations, Kamal hoped for further advancement of the two sides' relations through presentation of practical solutions and continued follow-ups.
The Iranian ambassador, for his part, pointed to the historical background and good political ties between the two countries, and underlined the necessity for the bolstering of all-out ties between Tehran and Doha, especially in economic fields.
Sohrabi further highlighted Iran's proper potentials and capacities for economic and trade activities, the significant and strategic position of the Iranian economy in the region and the two countries' neighboring borders, and reiterated that proper grounds are present for the two sides' joint activity and investment in different economic fields.
He also expressed the hope that the two countries' ties would witness a breakthrough in areas of economy and trade through implementation and follow-ups on mutual agreements.