World praises Iran’s petrochemical achievements: LyondellBasell exec
June 10, 2009 - 0:0
TEHRAN – Implementation of unparalleled large petrochemical projects in Iran has made the world lauding the country's achievements in the oil industry, said the multi-national LyondellBasell Company’s director for technology services here on Monday.
Talking to reporters on the sidelines of the contract signing ceremony for the transfer of technology to produce high density polyethylene (HDPE) in Dehdasht, Mamasani, and Boroujen petrochemical complexes, Just Junsz said, “Our company is proud of taking part in Iran’s west ethylene pipeline project which is among the country's biggest petrochemical plans,” SHANA reported.Lyondell Basell Company had previously participated in Amirkabir and Jam petrochemical complexes’ development plans.
National Petrochemical Company’s Project Manager Jalil Ebrahimpour said for his part that the abovementioned petrochemical complexes are parts of the Dena ethylene pipeline, each with the annual projected HDPE output of 300,000.
“The projects will come on stream at the estimated cost of €865 million plus 2,400 billion rials,” he added.
The multinational LyondellBasell is one of the world’s largest polymers, petrochemicals and fuels companies. Headquartered in the Netherlands, LyondellBasell operates more than 60 manufacturing sites in 19 countries