Tehran summons Czech envoy over Gaza

January 22, 2009 - 0:0

Iran blasts the EU over its silence on Israeli human rights violation in the Gaza Strip.

Iran's Foreign Ministry has summoned the Czech charge d'affaires in Tehran, Jan Kouril, over EU inaction on human rights violations in Gaza.
The ministry strongly protested the ""indifference and meaningful silence"" of the European Union to the violations of human rights by Israel in the Gaza Strip during its war on the coastal enclave.
An official at the Foreign Ministry told the Czech diplomat, whose country currently holds the EU presidency, that the massacre of children and women in Gaza and the blockade of the city are cases of Israel's human rights violations.
Iran believes the silence of the EU encourages Israel to continue its crimes.
Israel unleashed Operation Cast Lead on the Gaza Strip on December 27, allegedly to put an end to rocket attacks against southern Israeli towns. Israeli officials, however, are now attempting to enforce a truce.
At least 1,340 Gazans were killed and at least 5,320 others were injured in the hostilities.
Hamas, the democratically-elected government of the coastal region, in announcing its own ceasefire gave Israeli troops one week to leave Gaza before a permanent ceasefire could be discussed.
Israel completed its troop pullout from Gaza, which began on Sunday evening, amid world condemnation of Israeli crimes against the Palestinians.
Iran's Foreign Ministry also expressed concern over the Israeli arrest of Palestinian journalists, saying, ""The European Union did not support a resolution passed by the UN Human Rights Council which will lead to more human rights violation of the Zionist regime (Israel).""
On January 12, the 47 member UN Human Rights Council passed a resolution condemning Israel for committing ""grave"" human rights violations against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and called for an immediate dispatch of an international fact-finding mission to investigate the case.
(Source: Press TV)