Iran’s pro-Palestinian efforts hailed

January 19, 2009 - 0:0

LONDON (IRNA) - A UK-based civil liberties campaigner praised the efforts of Iran, Syria and certain factions in Lebanon to end the Israeli attacks on Gaza.

Ismail Patel, the chair of the Friends of Al-Aqsa campaign, told IRNA that although there has been a divide in the Middle East on the issue of Gaza, the governments in Iran, Syria and certain factions in Lebanon have come out in support of people in Gaza.
“People on the streets of the Middle East will remember who came to the support of Palestinians and who came against them,” he said, criticizing some Arab regimes for their apathy towards Israeli bloodshed in Gaza which has so far killed more than 1,100 innocent people and injured thousands of others.
Patel, who is one of the organizers of anti-Israeli protests in London during the past three weeks, said the Islamic resistance movement in Gaza will definitely win the war in Gaza even though “there is no winner in this battle because there is so much loss of life in the Palestinian side.”
“However, what has happened is that we have got the legitimacy of Hamas as a political movement and the resistance of the Palestinian people,” he said, when asked about the role of Hamas in defending the Palestinian cause.
“I think Israel has just shown its hand of oppression and aggression and the international community is becoming much more aware of Israeli crimes specially the civil society and the governments who were supporting Israel are now very scared to do that openly.”
He said It is a very “sad situation” that so many people have had to lose their lives only because they want to resist occupation and seek freedom. “Force and coercion cannot bring down people who fight for freedom and stand up for their rights. The resistance is prepared to pay a very high price for the freedom of Palestine,” he said.
“In the past three weeks, resistance and the will to have freedom have grown greater among the people of Gaza,” he said, reiterating that the resistance movement is bringing about freedom for its people and Hamas is “showing that very well”.
Asked about the reaction of Europeans to Israeli attacks on Gaza, he said human rights groups have come out reasonably fair.
“Amnesty International yesterday called for a ban on selling arms to Israel. All NGOs have called for immediate ceasefire and also condemned Israel’s actions. The civil society is very much on the side of the oppressed and occupied.”
Patel however said European leaders are not in touch with the population they represent when it comes to stand against the Israeli regime. “There has to be a shift in that direction. They are now finding it difficult to support Israel.”
Referring to the use of banned weapons by the Israeli army during its incursion into Gaza, he said under international laws, phosphorous bombs are not allowed to be used against a civilian population.
“After Israel bombed another UN building in Gaza, the UN announced that war time investigations should take place. We hope war criminals are brought in trial and justice.”
Asked about Israel’s plan for ceasefire, he dismissed any unilateral ceasefire saying it means “Israel will continue aggression.”
“It’s not acceptable diplomatically or politically because Israel in the future can again attack Gaza at any time. They are obliviously doing this because a new administration is coming into office in America. We should always remember that as long as there is Israeli army in Gaza, the lives of people are in great danger.”