Crimes in Gaza, a result of Bush's trip to region: MP

December 11, 2008 - 0:0

KHORRAMABAD (IRNA) -- Member of Parliament Mohammad Mohammadi said on Wednesday that bloody massacre of innocent Palestinians in Gaza Strip by Israel was the result of the outgoing U.S. President George W Bush's visit to the Middle East region last January.

Referring to the Zionists' brutal crimes in Gaza as a human tragedy, Mohammadi said that Bush, through his trip to the region, gave a green light to the Zionist regime to commit such crimes against defenseless Palestinians.
He said that Gaza blockade by Israelis has led to the martyrdom of many oppressed Palestinians and injury of many others, adding that despite this the international organizations and certain Islamic and Arab countries which claim to advocate human rights have kept mum on such crimes.
""Unfortunately, certain Islamic and Arab states have not only remained silent on critical situation in Gaza, but have also inked arms deal with supporters of the Zionist regime,"" the parliamentarian said.
""Now, the blood of people in Gaza and Lebanon is being shed but the UN has failed to show any reaction to Israeli aggressions,"" he said, adding that world Muslims must join hands to confront the Zionist regime and foil the global arrogance's conspiracies against Islam.