Aras Free Zone development projects in progress

April 29, 2007 - 0:0
TEHRAN –- Of 22 development projects of Aras Free Zone, 13 have been either implemented or are underway, the responsible official said Saturday.

A number of feasibility studies are currently being carried out in the zone, Mir-Jalal Oujaqi added.

A comprehensive plan on construction of an international airport in the region, the master tourism plan, Dasht-e Gardian tourist attraction project, the building of the organization’s central building, the fist phase of building Jolfa-Aslanduz Railway, and a mountain park project are among the most important projects to be conducted in the zone.

Aras Free Zone is situated in northwest of Iran, adjacent to Autonomous Republic of Nakhichevan, Armenia, and the Republic of Azerbaijan, 137km off Tabriz, one of the major cities of Iran, and 761km from Tehran.

Infrastructures’ development, economic progress, increasing the public revenues, creating productive employment, regulating the goods and labor markets, active presence in regional and world markets and producing and exporting the industrial and processing goods as well as rendering public services are among the major objectives of establishing Aras Free Zone Organization.