Iran earns $55m through Amak project

June 6, 2006 - 0:0
TEHRAN (PIN) – Since the beginning of Amak project for gathering associated gas, more than 55 million dollars has been earned through the project. Director of the project at Petroleum Engineering and Development Company told Petroenergy Information Network that 20.8 billion cu. ft. gas has been collected since last May, adding, “Thus far, 112,000 tons LNG, 27,000 barrels crude oil and 17.1 billion cu. ft. light gas has been produced through the plan.”

Seyyed Mohammad Bijanfar further noted that, at present, four compression and dehumidification stations have been made operational, thus preventing 20.8 billion cu. ft. associated gas from burning.

The official noted that Ab-Teimur, Marun 3, and Kupal stations are currently going through test and pre-commissioning stages.

He mentioned total progress of Amak project, which is being carried out as EPC (engineering, production, and construction) at 98.54 percent.

Bijanfar stated that first phase of the project will be complete by October. He added that the second phase will be made operational in November.

Amak project is one of the biggest projects underway at the National Iranian South Oil Company, which is being implemented by Petroleum Engineering and Development Company. The project will not only allay environmental pollution in related regions, but earn a lot of hard currency for the country.

The project aims at daily production of 27,800 barrels liquid gas, 182 million cu. ft. light gas, 300 barrels crude oil, and 18 million cu. ft. acid gas.

The project will prevent burning 8 million cu. m. associated gas, prevent air pollution in related regions, and supply needed gas to Razi Petrochemical Complex, Marun Petrochemical Complex and Bandar Imam Petrochemical Complex while contributing gas to cross-country pipeline.

Implementation of Amak project started in June 2000 through a contract worth 306.9 million dollars. Total costs including costs of finance and other costs up to repayment period will exceed 432.033 million dollars.

The project includes complete engineering operations, purchase and construction of seven sour gas compression stations, a gas sweetening unit, and a compression unit for acid gas, as well as about 280 km of gas transfer pipeline and about 100 km power transmission line.

About 140 consultant engineering, contractor and manufacturing companies are involved in the project.