Awareness needed than at any other time, Rafsanjani

February 12, 2006 - 0:0
TEHRAN (IRNA) -- Expediency Council Chairman Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani here on Saturday said that at present Iranians need to be aware of developments and exercise greater prudence than at any other time.

Speaking to reporters during the Bahman 22 (February 11) rally in response to a question on how Iranian officials view the threats of Western countries, he stressed the significance of awareness and prudence.

"In light of the moves of mischievous world powers, we should be ready with the right strategy and not think of using force," he added.

He hoped that the Iranian government and nation would be able to jointly come up with the right strategy.

Concerning Iran's nuclear dossier, he said that the nation was aware of the issue and had a good understanding of its implications. Turning to the strong public turnout in the Bahman 22 rallies, the EC chairman said that this kind of participation in "events such as Bahman 22 and Ashura proves to the West that the people are firmly in support of the Islamic Republic system."

Asked whether western threats would succeed in intimidating Iran, he said, "Certainly not. They cannot break the will of the Iranian people as they wish. They will, however, continue pestering Iranians, who will respond with resistance."

Rafsanjani also referred to unity, patience and forbearance as the best response to the attitude of Western states.

Talks to continue to resolve nuclear issue: FM

Foreign Minister Manuchehr Mottaki praised the enthusiastic participation of the people in rallies, saying that talks on the country's nuclear rights will continue with a reliance on nation’s support.

He told IRNA that the unanimous defense of the people of their country's nuclear rights gives state officials the will to continue insisting on this right. Stressing that Iran will never back down even one step in realizing its right to peaceful nuclear energy, the foreign minister maintained that "Iran will resist all attempts by the West to prevent it from enforcing its nuclear rights."

Concerning the upcoming final report on Iran's nuclear program that is to be submitted by the UN nuclear watchdog to the United Nations Security Council, he said: "The report will not change Iran's policies on its nuclear programs and these programs will continue."

Turning to the confidence-building measures taken by Iran with regard to its nuclear activities, Mottaki said that Iran’s programs have always been quite transparent and there has been no ambiguities regarding their precise nature.

Speaker praises people's support for the revolution

Majlis Speaker Gholam-Ali Haddad-Adel urged the officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran to respond to the loyalty of people to the revolution and the system with rendering relentless services to them. Speaking to IRNA on the sidelines of the rallies, Haddad-Adel praised the people’s turnout, saying," The presence gives the message that people are still committed to their promise with the late Imam and the martyrs."

Parliamentary speaker said," People are participating in different areas more and more and this is an important message, especially to the foreigners and the enemies of the revolution, saying that the more years pass on revolution, the more resistant are people against the pressures."