Kharrazi Calls For Greater Unity Among Muslim Nations

May 28, 1998 - 0:0
TEHRAN The first session of the OIC `Special Committee for Bolstering of Dialogue, Cooperation and Trust' opened here yesterday with an address by Iranian Foreign Minister Kamal Kharrazi. The Committee was set up by the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) to compile and classify the resolutions and decisions adopted and taken by the OIC in a bid to pave the common ground for greater cooperation among Muslim countries.

Kharrazi, speaking at this session which was also attended by the OIC Secretary General Ezzeddin Laraki, said that the Muslim world had all the potentials and material and spiritual possibilities and it was necessary to forge cooperation and understanding among the Muslim nations particularly in the wake of existing complexities of the contemporary world. It would be very difficult to find a respectable and befitting place for the Muslim world today without having complete confidence and real motivation of the Muslim society, he said.

The confidence in itself required a clear understanding of security and these requisites are greatly intermingled and associated with each other, Kharrazi elaborated. Kharrazi further said that certain countries were engaged in following greedy strategies in executing their ambitious and costly military plans. Although investments for the purpose of defence can not be described as unrealistic and they certainly help increase the security, but this logic was not always correct, he said adding that paying undue and unlimited attention to the security through armament in certain cases reduces the level of security and brings tension.

The foreign minister referred to the threats posed by Israel to the Palestine, Syria, Lebanon and the Middle East and said that the Zionist entity has in fact targeted the entire Muslim world. Kharrazi explaining the objectives of the OIC follow up committee said that the Chairman and the Secretary General of the OIC will be entrusted to follow the activities of this committee and try to find ways and means to fulfill its objectives.

The OIC committee which is composed of representatives of all OIC member-states will remain in progress here for four days.