Yassin Praises Iran's Stance Towards Palestinian Cause

May 28, 1998 - 0:0
DAMASCUS Hamas leader Sheikh Ahmad Yassin here on Tuesday lauded Iran's stance towards the causes of the Palestinian nation. Speaking at a press conference in Damascus, he said that the Iranian nation is more sympathetic with the ideals of Palestine than some of the Palestinians themselves. The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Iran's president as well as other Iranian authorities defend the rights of the Palestinian people, besides being opposed to the existence of the Zionist regime and its schemes, he said.

Referring to the sufferings of the Iranian nation as a result of their support for the Palestinian cause, he said that the world imperialism has branded the Iranian nation as terrorist because of their opposition to the compromise peace talks. In response to a question on coordination between Hezbollah and Hamas movement in their fight against the Zionists, he said, We are fighting the same enemy and it is necessary for all Mujahedeen to get united and coordinated in the face of their blood-thirst enemy.'' (IRNA)