2nd of Khordad Front Parties Search for Common Ground at Conference

December 6, 2003 - 0:0
TEHRAN (Mehr News Agency) — A group of officials from the 2nd of Khordad Front attending a conference of the Association of Combatant Clerics here on Friday stated that reformists should actively and seriously participate in the seventh Majlis elections.

The officials called the seventh Majlis elections an important test for political parties, particularly those belonging to the 2nd of Khordad Front, and stressed that the people's active participation in the upcoming election is essential.

Davoud Soleimani, a member of the central committee of the Islamic Iran Participation Party, Mohammad Salamati, the secretary general of the Islamic Revolution Mujahedeen Organization, Fatemeh Karrubi, the secretary general of the Islamic Women's Association, Jamileh Kadivar, the chairperson of the Women Journalists Association, Ebrahim Asgharzadeh, the secretary general of the Solidarity Party, Rasoul Montajebnia, a member of the central committee of the Association of Combatant Clerics, and Professor Taha Hashemi attended the conference.

Salamati emphasized the need to boost solidarity among the political parties of the 2nd of Khordad Front.

He stated that the Majlis election is not comparable with the local council elections, and encouraged the conference participants to look for ways to boost voter turnout.

"We must transform the bitter experience of the local council elections into a sweet occasion on February 20," he said in reference to election day.

Montajebnia called the conference the first step taken by the Association of Combatant Clerics to actively participate in the upcoming elections.

He stated that the 2nd of Khordad Front parties should try to find common ground, adding that it would be best if they put aside their differences for now.

Islam and the Constitution are the most important points for the Association of Combatant Clerics, he added.

Soleimani said that efforts should be made to boost voter turnout and expressed hope that the Guardian Council would encourage people and political parties to participate.

Karrubi stressed that defending the Islamic Revolution and its values within the framework of the Constitution is the basis of the reformist movement.

She added that the executive branch and the Majlis have done a good job, adding that bad publicity has led people to believe that the reformists have been ineffective.

"The days of nice slogans are over. Today we should meet people's real demands," she said.

Kadivar said that it is essential to give voice to the people's demands, but added that candidates should not raise people’s expectations with promises they cannot keep.

Solidarity among political parties of the 2nd of Khordad Front can determine the outcome of the elections, she said.

Hashemi advised political parties to take a different approach in order to promote a massive voter turnout.

"The outlook for the seventh Majlis elections is not as gloomy as some describe it. People regard it as a different issue than the local council elections and will participate actively," he said.