Zionist Plot to Fan Flames of Sectarian Violence in Pakistan

August 7, 2003 - 0:0
The Pakistani Interior Ministry has implemented tight security measures to protect Iranian diplomatic residences and political organizations in Pakistan.

Islamabad dailies late on Sunday published information about a terrorist plot to attack Iranian diplomats and organizations.

In response to the threats, security measures were strengthened around Iranian organizations' offices in Islamabad and Lahore after an official notice was sent by the Islamic Republic on upgrading security.

Political analysts believe that there is a new plot to sabotage Iran-Pakistan relations. In this regard, some media and political circles are attempting to portray Iran-India relations as a threat to Pakistan. This type of political atmosphere paves the way for dangerous sectarianism in Pakistan, which has caused heavy loss of life and material damage and harmed Pakistan's relations with neighboring states over the years.

The assassination of several Iranian diplomats in Pakistan in the 1990s damaged bilateral relations. Now there are reports that some political circles in Pakistan are planning to incite sectarian violence as a means to realize their goals.

The increased tension in Pakistan's relations with neighboring states seems to be connected to the Pakistani government's refusal to officially recognize the Zionist regime and its decision to send troops to Iraq. However, the general public and various parties in Pakistan have expressed their opposition to recognizing the Zionist regime and sending troops to Iraq.

Unrelated issues such as sectarian violence are being played up with the intention of influencing public opinion and diverting attention from more sensitive issues.

A deterioration in Pakistan's relations with its neighbors and an increase in sectarian violence in that country would only be in the interests of the United States and the Zionist regime, making it easier for the U.S. to realize its goals, such as convincing Pakistan to send troops to Iraq and to recognize the Zionist regime.