Personality Test

July 8, 2001 - 0:0
What does your handwriting reveal about you? What's your writing style? It could be more revealing than you think.

Which of the following best describes your style? 1. Your vertical lines are at a perfect 90 degree angle. 2. There are big spaces between your words. 3. There are small spaces between your words. 4. Your writing is of an uneven pressure. 5. Your writing is very small.

Here are the results: * The first choice: You are cautious and think twice about every action before you take it. You are also a very giving person, and are always thinking about how others are feeling.

* The second choice: You are not interested in what other people are doing and wish that others would mind their own business too. Involving a lot of people in your life just makes things complicated and messy. You don't like conflict, so it's best if people just stay away.

* The third choice: You are sociable and outgoing person. You enjoy attending parties and seek attention from people wherever you can. The closer you place your words together, the more afraid you are of being left alone. Loneliness is your one great fear.

* The fourth choice: If you write some strokes thickly but others are thin, it's likely that you're very unpredictable person. Sometimes you'll get very serious about something, but there's always the possibility that you'll suddenly lose interest. It can take you a long time to complete a task -- if it gets done at all before something else grabs your attention!

* The last choice: You can be a secretive person. You like changes and are always wanting to try something new -- but you also like to think seriously and are cautious when it comes to making decisions. This can make you look more mature than your friends.

(Courtesy ****Saudi Gazette****)