Killing Lebanese returning to destroyed homes is tragic

TEHRAN - Israeli soldiers killed 24 civilians including a soldier and wounded at least 130 others in south Lebanon as the people were returning to their homes after a deadline for the Israeli withdrawal from south Lebanon had passed.
Killing ordinary people who were returning to their demolished homes is a tragedy. This tragedy took place after months of homelessness and ensuing problems. This tragedy was committed by invading forces whom war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu has called the “most civilized army” in the world.
Some of these thousands of citizens who were returning to their places of living are still grieving the loss of family members who were brutalized in Israel’s intensive savage and indiscriminate bombardments of southern Lebanon. Just tragedy after tragedy.
Some pro-Israel officials in the West may argue that Israel had already warned the Lebanese not to return to their homes, but a return to one’s home doesn’t deserve cold-blooded murder. What a crime had they done that they were ruthlessly soaked in the blood? This is an important question that self-proclaimed defenders of human rights in the West, who blindly defend Israel, must answer.
It seems that the thirst of some Israeli forces’ thirst for killing is insatiable.
Most probably, they are nervous that the Hezbollah resistance movement is structurally intact despite losing some senior commanders and their leader and that the resistance fighters in Gaza are demonstrating a heroic reappearance after nearly 16 months of relentless barbaric war on the coastal strip.
Those who are familiar with Israel’s dirty war tactics and malicious intentions say Israeli forces killed displaced Lebanese civilians because they want to remain in south Lebanon and create a buffer zone on the Lebanese territory.