Foreign currency allocations for basic goods, services exceed $55b

TEHRAN - The Central Bank of Iran (CBI) announced that from the beginning of the current Iranian year (March 20, 2024) until January 13, a total of $55.127 billion in foreign currency has been allocated for the imports of essential goods, pharmaceuticals, commercial and trade commodities, as well as service-related needs.
According to IRNA, a total of $42.576 billion was allocated to the commercial and trade sector. Among industries, the largest shares were allocated to automotive transportation, machinery and production equipment, mining, electrical and electronic equipment, chemical and polymer industries, and textiles and apparel, in that order.
The essential goods and pharmaceuticals category accounted for $11.448 billion. Within this group, $8.995 billion was allocated to essential and agricultural goods, including wheat, oilseeds, and livestock feed. Additionally, $2.453 billion was allocated for pharmaceuticals, raw materials for medicine, and medical equipment.
Service-related demands received $1.103 billion in currency allocations.