FATF is not the panacea

TEHRAN - Kayhan dedicated its editorial to the belief among a group of political and economic experts who believe the solution to the country's problems lies in removing sanctions and membership in the FATF.
It wrote: Unfortunately, a group inside the country, willingly or unwillingly, has completed the puzzle of the enemy in the hybrid war. They believe that nothing can be done as long as we are sanctioned and FATF is not resolved. One of the tools of the enemy's psychological operations in the hybrid war, whose main goal is to anger the people, is nothing but giving the wrong address to solve the country's problems. Contrary to the claim of FATF supporters, it is not the case that if we implement the FATF in the future we will benefit from its economic dividends. The purpose behind the formation of the FATF is not to lift the anti-Iran sanctions but to use a tool at the disposal of the U.S. Treasury Department to make the sanctions more effective. The worst condition that FATF can create for a country is "mutual action", which is referred to as "blacklisting". Until now, being on the blacklist of FATF has not had any negative impact on Iran's commercial and economic exchanges with other countries.
Iran: Diplomacy from Tehran to Cairo
In an analysis, the Iran newspaper discussed Pezeshkian’s trip to Cairo to participate in the D-8 summit and said: Pezeshkian made a trip to Cairo to attend the D-8 summit. The trip is very important. It shows this event will promise new developments in the region. According to Sanaei, the political director of the President's Office, the trip is important in making arrangements to restore relations between Iran and Egypt. Also, positive steps have been taken in recent weeks to fully restore the relationship between Tehran and Cairo. This is an important development that can be considered as one of the advantages of Pezeshkian’s journey. If this goal is realized, it will provide a basis for a new balance in the relations between the countries in the West Asia region and a new integration in the relations between the Islamic countries. It should be noted that from now on, there is a common understanding of solidarity among the Muslim countries. Therefore, in the current situation in the region, countries need to fill the gaps and remove hurdles. The severed relations between Iran and Egypt are among the most important of these huge gaps.
Shargh: New Middle East order and confrontation with Tehran
Shargh discussed the new order in the Middle East in an interview with Mehdi Motaharnia, a senior foreign policy analyst. He said: In the current situation, Trump either wants Iran to be his biggest partner or the biggest victim. Probably, the Israeli extremists including Netanyahu and some Arab actors in the region will try to use the radical figures in Donald Trump’s foreign policy, security, and defense teams to start a big war with Iran. Therefore, the option of a full-scale war with Iran is not ruled out. If military leverage is used, Trump gives priority to a "military strike", but in the end, a military war should also be considered, which will proceed with Israeli engineering. In the current situation, Trump has shown that he does not want to intervene in Syria and wants to withdraw American forces from this country, especially when the position of Russia and Iran is weakened.
Jam-e-Jam: Grossi is supporter of the Zionists
In a commentary, Jam-e-Jam addressed anti-Iran statements by Rafael Grossi, the chief of the International Atomic Energy Agency, or IAEA. It wrote: Rafael Grossi's recent statements about the JCPOA have taken on more anti-Iranian dimensions than in the past and have shown that the director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency has taken the role of the advocate of the Zionists. Grossi said that Iran is rapidly moving towards a nuclear weapons state, so the JCPOA is no longer relevant. Regarding these statements by Grossi, it should be noted that he has repeatedly acted contrary to the rules of the body under his leadership. The development of Iran's nuclear program is in tandem with technical needs and is carried out completely under the IAEA's safeguards. But Grossi showed that he has no authority except what is dictated to him by the Westerners and the Zionists. Contrary to what he tries to show, he has again become the tool of the oppressive powers. Grossi's political and non-technical statements cannot be justified in a situation in which Iran is threatened by the Israeli regime. Moreover, these statements are a clear violation of the rights of the Iranian nation to peaceful uses of nuclear technology.