The Zionist war against human civilization

TEHRAN - Wars and crises have always been among the most significant and impactful menacing phenomena in human history and are considered the starting point for many important historical changes.
The war in Gaza, followed by the chain of regional bombardments and the potential war in Lebanon - which cannot be ignored - can be viewed as one of the wars and crises that are not changing history for Palestine and West Asia, but also the world and even the history of human civilization.
The Israeli regime's attack on Lebanon, in the context of the historical conflict in occupied Palestine and almost one year of genocidal war in Gaza, is much more significant and has a broader scope than all regional wars over the past two decades.
After the Westphalia Treaty in the 17th century, territorial expansion became a disreputable act. With the exception of a few wars, the borders of recognized political units turned into a global protocol.
As a result of the United States’ global policies, both in Eastern Europe and Western Asia, territorial expansion has once again become a means to gain power.
The war in Gaza, despite the massacre of at least 42,000 people, is still ongoing. The Zionist regime has aggressively attacked Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, violating the territorial integrity of an independent country and openly creating a disaster by killing innocent civilians without any concern for global reaction.
One of its implicit goals is to shock and prevent any society or government to criticize the status quo. This has left countries in the region and world disillusioned about the borders of a country, national and territorial security, treaties, and international norms and institutions.
Meanwhile, as international rules and treaties become ineffective, unrestrained moves of the Zionist regime have fueled human terror via advancements in cyber technology.
This is while public belief held the view that advancements in communication technologies increased global prosperity and security. Now, Israel’s technological and terrorist attacks have shown that smart technologies pose serious and vital threats, and what was once seen in Hollywood science-fiction scenarios is rooted in the self-interested motives of autocratic capitalism to dehumanize developing societies.
For this reason, the unprecedented terrorist attack by the Zionist regime on Lebanon through the detonation of communication and electronic devices has taken on a trans-regional dimension, shocking global public opinion regarding the new dangerous aspects of war.
Even before the White House expressed satisfaction over the assassination of Ibrahim Aqil, a Lebanese Hezbollah commander, everyone in the world pretty much knew one thing.
The usurping Zionist regime was behind the terrorist explosions in Lebanon and it is no longer surprising to see the U.S., despite its media tricks to absolve itself from this crime, was not only aware of these acts of terror but oversaw them.
In fact, with the political and legal support of Washington, the world’s largest terrorist and, according to UN special rapporteurs, the most savage army on the planet, operates without any concern for legal prosecution. The Zionists pressed a button to dismember thousands of innocent people.
The architects of this crime in Washington and Tel Aviv watch on, as people, whose only sin was to trust Western technology that was supposed to bring comfort, are buried alive.
Communication devices explode, dismembering people and destroying homes, in order to create fear and terror in societies, forcing lawful resistance fighters to retreat from their positions, legally enshrined under international law, to alleviate the suffering of civilian victims.
Amid the recent events in Lebanon, organized state terrorism of the American-Zionist regime through technology is not merely the war of the Zionist regime against Lebanon and Palestine.
This is a war that poses a major threat to West Asia for American-Zionist hegemony and the war for American global domination has taken on the foundations of a clash of civilizations. A war that aims to undermine moral values, trust in new and foreign technologies, disillusion societies with treaties and the legitimacy and effectiveness of international institutions in establishing law and punishing criminals, and strip humanity of the motivation for self-sacrifice.
However, it can be confidently stated that these crimes by Israel through mainly Western or Eastern allies like Taiwan will turn into a cold war against Western technology, intensifying the nations' efforts to localize technologies.
This crime serves as a wake-up call for all societies to be aware that the U.S., which leads the technological crimes of Israel, is capable of creating such human tragedies.
On the other hand, it is becoming increasingly clear why the West always employs sanctions against governments and actors that criticize the status quo in the world, especially in Eastern societies, to prevent the localization of advanced technology in these countries.
Historical realities and recent events again prove that the prevailing policy of American public diplomacy, foreign policy, and military doctrines is not merely about Islamophobia, Eastophobia, and every other non-Western culture and civilization. From this perspective, it would not be an exaggeration to even predict the possibility of Western biological attacks against Eastern societies.
Russian sources indicated that when Moscow suspended the "New START" treaty, the last bilateral treaty on nuclear disarmament between Russia and the U.S., they had information that the U.S. was producing new deadly weapons underground contrary to existing treaties, rendering traditional treaties meaningless.
As time goes on, the Western world increasingly shows that it has no intention of reconciling with the East unless they accept Western values.
Meanwhile, some two and a half decades of wars - from Afghanistan and Iraq to Ukraine and Gaza - has proven that the ideology of Western capitalism has become devoid of any human and moral values, with the sole aim of achieving financial, industrial, security, and cultural dominance over the world.