Purpose of the lie is to prevent operation of North-South route

September 16, 2024 - 22:34

TEHRAN - Kayhan addressed the lies by the Western media regarding the claims that Iran is sending arms to Russia in its war with Ukraine by asking the views of Ruhollah Modabber, an expert of Russian affairs.

He says: The first document that the Westerners published was a picture of an Iranian ship that had berthed in the port of Olya in Astrakhan. Westerners also declared that this ship was carrying Iran's ballistic missiles to Russia. The reason in the new round of lies by the Westerners is that Olya Port plays an important role in the North-South transit between Iran and Russia, and the purpose behind this lie is to prevent the operation of the North-South route. The second goal of the Americans and the European troika is to put pressure on the diplomatic system ahead of a possible resumption of negotiations between Iran and the West. This is the West's approach: whenever they receive a signal from inside, they intensify their pressure. These have been done to put pressure on Iran, creating a distance between Tehran and Moscow and get concessions in a (possible) new negotiation. Therefore, we should be sensitive to this issue.

Donya-e-Eqtesad: The West's new claim about transfer of Russian nuclear secrets to Iran

In a note, Donya-e-Eqtesad dealt with the claims of the United Kingdom and the United States against Iran and wrote: The United Kingdom and the United States have claimed that Russia has shared its nuclear secrets with the Islamic Republic of Iran in exchange for receiving ballistic missiles. According to the Guardian, Iran and Russia are intensifying military cooperation at a time when Iran is enriching uranium close to a breakout. Blinken claimed that Russia, in turn, shares technologies that Iran is seeking. The West's concern is that Iran is getting close to the point to build nuclear weapons. This has been provoking tensions in the Middle East for months as Israel’s war on Gaza is going on unabated and tensions are running high. Although Russia and Iran are not historically united, they have become increasingly united in their opposition to the West, and this is worrying for Westerners.

Shargh: IAEA board causing challenges for Pezeshkian government 

In a commentary, Shargh discussed the recent meeting of the IAEA Board of Governors and said: According to assessments by analysts and reports by Western media, it was predicted that a resolution would not be adopted against Iran by the IAEA Board of Governors in its September meeting as the U.S. presidential election is approaching, but the policy being pursued by the European troika at the IAEA board indicate that the Pezeshkian government will face challenging weeks and months. For this reason, its seems more and more necessary for the government to de-escalate the situation, cooperate with the IAEA and start negotiations with the Westerners as soon as possible. Grossi's positions show that Iran's nuclear case has become more sensitive than the past. In addition to what was said by Grossi as the IAEA director general about Iran's nuclear program, we also witnessed the repetition of some non-constructive positions from the Western countries during the quarterly meeting of the Board of Governors.

Sobh-e-No: Repeating a baseless claim to introduce sanctions

Sobh-e-No investigated the issue of sanctions against Iran Air following accusation by the West that Iran has transferred short-range ballistic missiles to Russia in its war with Ukraine. The paper said: The accusation of sending ballistic missiles and drones from Iran to the Russian front has been raised again. By publishing ambiguous documents, they point to Iran's role in strengthening the Russian front. Based on this and considering these baseless accusations, it was said that "Iran Air" company has been sanctioned. Until this moment, no official letter has been sent to Iran Air not to carry out flights. Rght now, Europe refuses to provide fuel and air services, and we are in a difficult situation. Considering what Ukraine and Western officials are saying and the contradictions in their statements about Iran Air, it seems that they are trying to tell Iran that if it sends missiles to Russia, the national airline will be sanctioned. Of course, Western and American sanctions are not a new issue for Iran and we have always faced these bans. However, Ukraine and the West seem to be looking for a preventive measure.