‘Zero tolerance for territorial violations’: military advisor to Leader

September 16, 2024 - 22:31

TEHRAN – A military advisor to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution has affirmed Iran’s commitment to peace, while simultaneously stating that the country will respond decisively and swiftly to any actions that threaten its security, national integrity, or sovereignty.

Brigadier General Amir Hatami, who served as Iran’s defense minister for four years, made the statement in remarks to military students. 

Hatami noted that peace has consistently been a core principle in political and social discourse, particularly among scholars, as human history is replete with wars and conflicts. 

He pointed out, “September 21, recognized as the International Day of Peace, aligns with September 22, 1978, which marks the onset of Saddam's imposed war and the Ba'ath Party's aggression against Iran.” 

“This conflict, supported by both Eastern and Western powers during that bipolar era, stands as one of the most challenging and significant examples of oppression and injustice faced by the peoples of Iran and Iraq,” the commander added.

Brigadier General Hatami stated that the primary takeaway from this conflict for the Iranian people is the recognition that the global community, hindered by a lack of equitable peace models and the presence of authoritarian and aggressive leaders, has a significant journey ahead to attain peace. 

“This journey necessitates safeguarding peace, independence, and genuine strength,” Hatami underscored.

He further remarked, “Another pertinent example is the ongoing struggle between the Palestinian people and the Zionist regime. Despite over 70 years of occupation and the continuous perpetration of crimes by the Zionist regime and its allies, which have failed to avert war and strife, the world now observes the egregious infringement of the rights and safety of the vulnerable Palestinian population, particularly in Gaza.”

Hatami underscored that while the Zionist regime may claim to ensure Iran's security, the Iranian armed forces are resolute in their commitment to prevent any form of encroachment or violation of borders by adversaries, thereby safeguarding Iran's territorial integrity.