Paralympics: Palestine’s Aldeeb sees himself as the voice of his people

Nine months ago, Fadi Aldeeb missed several calls from his brother in Gaza. The next day, Aldeeb found out he had been killed in an Israeli attack on his home.
Aldeeb, the only Palestinian athlete at the Paris Paralympics, left the Gaza Strip a decade ago for a wheelchair basketball career that took him to Turkey and Greece before he finally arrived in France.
In Paris, Aldeeb, who took part in the Paralympics shot put event, is feeling the pressure of being what he says is the voice of his people at the Paralympics, Al Jazeera reported .
“It’s too many feelings, too much responsibility, because I’m not speaking about myself, I’m not playing for myself. I’m here for 11 million, for all who say I’m a Palestinian, for all who talk about humanity and to talk about the freedom of Palestine,” he said.