By Matin Jamshidi

Netanyahu’s thirst for blood is insatiable

August 18, 2024 - 23:52
It is expected those Western leaders who have been backing the ultra-Orthodox regime of Israel to face justice

TEHRAN - While a new round of ceasefire talks participated by Israel, the U.S., Egypt and Qatar was held in Doha on Thursday and Friday to end the Israeli carnage in Gaza, the bloodthirsty regime of Benjamin Netanyahu is continuing to kill Palestinians incessantly.

The slaughter of Palestinians is continuing while the participants at the talks issued a statement claiming the talks were “serious, constructive and conducted in a positive atmosphere” and agreed to resume the negotiations in Egypt this week.

Late on Saturday and even within the early hours of Sunday Israel conducted more deadly air strikes on residential houses in Gaza. The sleeping Palestinians were targeted without any warning.

Al Jazeera correspondent Tareq Abu Azzoum, reporting from Deir al-Balah, said a Palestinian mother alongside her six children were killed.

“We have seen really heartbreaking scenes this morning with dozens of bodies lined up in the morgue outside al-Aqsa Hospital. There has been a remarkable surge in Israeli strikes in Deir al-Balah where Palestinians were told to seek refuge. Also, we woke up to the sound of Israeli fighter jets breaking the sound barrier and carrying out more strikes in the eastern side of the city. We continued to hear explosions in the past couple of hours,” Abu Azzoum explained.

He said, ‘This was not the only place that was targeted. Four others were killed in Khan Younis city where the [Israeli] army continued to blow up full residential buildings. Israeli forces are also targeting the north of the strip killing four Palestinians in Jabaliya refugee camp where a residential house was completely leveled to the ground. We are talking about the grim reality of more than 40 Palestinians killed in the past 48 hours and this number is expected to rise given the new Israeli orders to evacuate al-Maghazi.”

One is surprised if Netanyahu sends the Mossad and Shin Bet chiefs for talks in Doha, why his regime’s killing machine is not waiting to see what will finally come out of the talks.

Western countries, especially the United States, who have been shipping arms to this brutal regime and protecting it diplomatically and politically, must feel shameful in the face of all these horrendous crimes which have been continuing since October 7, 2023.

The subservience of these Western countries to Israel is disgraceful. While the entire world has been expressing serious indignation over the continuous brutal acts of Israel in Gaza, sending weapons to this regime will be recorded in history as unforgivable.

Sending weapons for an ultra-orthodox regime whose thirst for blood is unquenchable has proven that the United States, Germany, Britain and France are just hypocrites who only pay lip service to the right to life, the need to avoid violence, and many other empty slogans.

These die-hard supporters of Israel must notice that Israel is killing “human beings” and not insects and that Palestinians are not sub-humans.

Israel has so far killed more than 40,000 Gazans and more than a third of them are unprotected children. This figure does not include about 10,000 others who remain unaccounted for and are buried under rubble.

The murderous, mad, and ultra-Orthodox regime of Netanyahu is itself a shame for humanity and it is extremely expected that those Western leaders who have been helping the Netanyahu regime despite opposition by their own citizens face justice at international or local courts.