Iran is not afraid of America's show of power in the region

August 12, 2024 - 22:5

TEHRAN - In a commentary, Kayhan addressed Fox News' acknowledgment about Iran and said: This American media acknowledged that the United States brought its aircraft carriers and fighters to the region to protect the Zionist regime against a possible attack by Iran, but Iran will not be intimidated by the show of American power.

However, experts believe that this show of power is unlikely to change Iran's decision to take revenge. It should be said that the increase in the U.S. military presence in West Asia cannot affect Iran's possible reaction. According to Goldberg, Iran's senior officials see the U.S. military presence more as a show and show of power than a real threat. The occupying regime and its supporters are waiting for a response to their actions every moment, and America has brought its fighters and aircraft carriers to the region to protect the Zionist regime. Because they know very well that American diplomacy is completely useless.

Shargh: Diplomatic priorities of the 14th government

In an interview with senior diplomat Mohsen Pakaein, Shargh investigated the foreign policy priorities of the 14th government and wrote: The foreign policy system as one of the key ministries is the source of significant effects on other areas, especially the economy, and livelihood, and it is faced with a multitude of various cases and issues of the region and the world. The foreign policy priorities of the 14th government should be focused on two issues: "Strengthening regional relations with neighbors and pursuing the strategy of looking to the east as seriously as possible." The 14th government can implement logical, balanced, and good relations with the country's neighbors and have a serious development plan for each of Iran's surrounding geopolitical areas. Also, Iran should focus seriously on the policy of multilateralism and multipolarism, and on this basis, strengthen its relations with all the countries that are in the geopolitical and geostrategic area of the East. The Pezeshkian government should focus on regional strategies.

Siasat-e-Rooz: Mediation or saving the killer

In a note, Siasat-e-Rooz dealt with the issue of the cease-fire in Gaza. It wrote: American officials have claimed that the time has come for a cease-fire in Gaza, and the United States is working to prepare for the start of a wide round of negotiations in the region. This so-called humanitarian claim is made while America is once again paying three and a half billion dollars to buy weapons and military equipment for this regime. According to this dual approach, it can be concluded that the word "mediation" has no meaning for the ceasefire and the Americans' plan is done with a different purpose. Part of these movements are derived from the internal situation of the United States and the demand of the Americans to stop supporting the Zionist regime. Another dimension of this plan is derived from the critical situation of the Zionist regime after the massacre of the al-Tabin school with hundreds of martyrs and wounded. Whenever there is a wave of protest against the Zionist regime, America seeks to manage the situation and prevent the condemnation of the Zionist regime by claiming to advocate for a ceasefire. Based on this, it can be said that the trip of the American team to the region is with the same goals, and will not have any positive results for the ceasefire and the end of the Gaza genocide.

Arman-e-Emrooz: Netanyahu in the vortex of internal and external pressures

In an article, Arman-e-Emrooz addressed the critical situation in Israel after the attack on the settlement of Palestinian refugees in Gaza's Tabin school. The paper said: This crime has faced widespread worldwide condemnation, but the Israeli army denied the claim of Palestinian sources that around 100 people were killed. It stated that no major damage was done to the school. Criticizing this attack, the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran said, "Undoubtedly, the repetition of such crimes stems from the sense of humiliation and helplessness of the criminal leaders of this regime against the resistance of the people of Gaza." The fact is that Netanyahu uncontrollably increases tensions in the gray zone. On the other hand, in this continuous confrontation, the regional parties have been unable or unwilling to create deterrence and control Netanyahu's equation in the same gray zone. Of course, as more time passes, changing this equation has become costly. The coming hours and days are of great importance in order to reduce the tensions with a ceasefire agreement or seriously increase these tensions with the failure of negotiations and retaliatory attacks and possible Israeli reaction.