Iran displaying 320 titles at Tarateel Sajjadiya International Book Fair in Karbala

August 6, 2024 - 19:9

TEHRAN-Iran is participating in the 10th Tarateel Sajjadiya International Book Fair in the holy city of Karbala in Iraq.

Iran pavilion is presenting 320 titles in the fields of religion, culture, art, poetry, literature, Iran studies, Islamic sciences, and politics in Persian and Arabic, IRNA reported.

the Supreme Religious Authority, Sheikh Abdul-Mahdi Al-Karbalaey, said in his speech at the opening ceremony: “The festival aims to remember and draw attention to the fundamental roles that distinguish the heritage of Imam Sajjad (AS) in Islamic thought and its doctrinal, jurisprudential, moral and social approach to reform the Islamic nation in its various conditions. This blessed heritage complements the message of Imam Hussain (AS) and opens horizons and enlightens minds for more research, study, and awareness of what Imam Sajjad (AS) left from a legacy that has not received sufficient research attention and behavioral and social application.”

“In the context of another heritage that has not been given its due importance is Nahj Al-Balagha of the Commander of the Faithful Imam Ali (AS), as well as some books and letters of the Infallible Imams (AS) to their Shias, including the letter of Imam Al-Sadiq (AS) to his followers who used to study, discuss and teach it. Moreover, they would place it in their private prayer area inside their homes at that time, according to what some historical books have reported,” he added.

He continued by mentioning the characteristics of the ethical approach and the Islamic social theory, and recommended reading one supplication a day from the book of supplications of Imam Al-Sajjad (AS), “Al-Sahifa Al-Sajjadiya”.

The book fair is part of the Tarateel Sajjadiya International Festival, held annually by the Holy Shrine of Imam Hussain (AS) on the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Al-Sajjad (AS). It also includes research sessions and a poetry contest.

This year’s edition of the fair kicked off on July 31 and will run until August 10.