Pakistan PM denounces Haniyeh assassination as 'extra-territorial killing'

August 2, 2024 - 1:39
Pakistan declares day of mourning for Haniyeh

TEHRAN – Pakistan’s Prime Minister, Shehbaz Sharif, on Thursday strongly denounced Israel for flagrantly violating international law in the “extra-territorial killing” of Ismail Haniyeh, the Hamas political leader, Press TV reported.

“I believe the entire world has condemned it [Haniyeh’s killing] in the strongest words,” Sharif said while chairing a meeting of the parliamentary members of his ruling coalition government.

“An extra-territorial killing was conducted in which Ismail Haniyeh was martyred through a rocket,” he said, regretting that international laws were violated in the act. 

The premier regretted the world’s “silence” over the incident, saying that it was a time for reflection for the international community. 

Sharif also strongly criticized Israel for committing acts of barbarity in Gaza.

He said Israel had violated United Nations Security Council resolutions repeatedly since last year, lamenting that the entity was not stopping its military offensive in Palestine despite the International Court of Justice describing its actions as “genocide.”

Pakistan will also hold a day of mourning on Friday for Ismail Haniyeh.

“Dangerous escalation”

Separately, Pakistan’s Foreign Office spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch on Thursday denounced the assassinating of Haniyeh, saying it was an act of “dangerous escalation”.

Baloch said Israel had unleashed a “campaign of terror” against the Palestinian people since October 2023.

“Its war on Gaza and the inhumane siege in violation of international human rights and humanitarian law have resulted in misery, death and destruction.” 

“These acts constitute war crimes and crimes against humanity. We call upon the United Nations to uphold international law and to bring an end to the genocide of the people of Gaza,” she added. 

Pakistan's said on Wednesday the killing of Hamas's political leader was a "reckless act".

Describing the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh as "terrorism", Islamabad's foreign ministry said in a statement that "Pakistan views with serious concern the growing Israeli adventurism in the region."