Mora's trip to Iran is a positive signal from Europe

July 23, 2024 - 19:37

TEHRAN - In an article, Etemad pointed out the developments in the European Union and quoted Hassan Beheshtipour, an expert on foreign policy issues, as saying: Following the war in Ukraine, Europe has become more united with America.

In an article, Etemad pointed out the developments in the European Union and quoted Hassan Beheshtipour, an expert on foreign policy issues, as saying: Following the war in Ukraine, Europe has become more united with America. However, whether the European Union aligns itself with the United States regarding Iran depends on what policy Tehran adopts and, also, what policies Trump will adopt. We should pay attention to adjusting our behavior with the European Union in such a way that it is not derived from our policy towards America. As much as possible, we will try to arrange independent equations with the European side. But we must know that without negotiating with the American side and relying only on Europe, we cannot put aside our problems and crises. Revival of destroyed relations with Europe should be among the priorities of our diplomacy, but at the same time, we should not think that we can use the conflicts between America and Europe. In the current situation, Mr. Mora's visit to Iran and his attendance at the inauguration ceremony of President-elect Masoud Pezeshkian means an opening, and it means that we intend to establish a new round of relations, it is undoubtedly a positive signal, and we should welcome this issue.

Iran: ‘Opportunity-centered’ economic diplomacy approach of the 14th government

In a commentary, the Iran newspaper discussed the economic diplomacy approach of the 14th government and wrote: The word "opportunity-centered" that the president-elect has pointed out in his foreign policy manifesto is not separate from the "interest-centered" foreign policy approach of the 13th government. He will pursue this policy to balance relations with all countries, a policy that serves the development of commercial and economic relations with the countries of the world and pays special attention to the promotion of political and economic relations with the countries of the region. The economic diplomacy of the 13th government was placed on the agenda in the path of achieving synergy between political relations and economic interactions. Signing numerous contracts with various countries under the shadow of interaction that the diplomatic system undertook due to its balanced approach was able to neutralize the scenario of economic pressure in the countries of the Western system.

Donya-e-Eqtesad: JCPOA 2?

In a note, Donya-e-Eqtesad addressed the challenge of the upcoming negotiations between Iran and the United States on the issue of the JCPOA. It wrote: In a report, the Atlantic Council has discussed the feasibility of a new nuclear agreement in the era of the new Iranian president. It is clear that the lifting of sanctions on vital sectors of Iran's economy, such as the energy sector, requires a new agreement with the West regarding the nuclear program. After the U.S. election, Tehran and the relevant world powers should discuss the possibility of creating a new political framework for Iran's nuclear issue. Otherwise, the possibility of unprecedented crises between the United States and Iran will increase greatly. Iran's strategy was clear from day one: limits on peaceful nuclear program in exchange for the lifting of sanctions and nothing else. There may be an understanding that conflict over Iran's nuclear program is almost inevitable without the framework for another long-term agreement. However, the desire to avoid the escalation of tensions on both sides can increase the probability of reaching JCPOA 2, which is in the interest of the Middle East and the international community.

Jam-e-Jam: Western governments throwing money for rioting

In an article, Jam-e-Jam addressed the enemy's efforts to create insecurity under any pretext. The paper said: The growing trend of the Islamic Republic in the recent events of the West Asia region, the True Promise operation, and the glorious holding of elections increased the power of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the international system and empathy among the people and officials for progress, and these conditions are absolutely not favorable to arrogant governments and enemies of the Iranian nation. Therefore, by publishing fake news, censoring denied news, allocating funds from the CIA organization, paying millions of dollars to disruptive operations, and throwing money, they use every opportunity to hit the Islamic Republic and slow down the progress of Islamic Iran. There is no doubt that the enemies have no red line to achieve their dirty goals. Therefore, the people, media, and officials should pay attention to the recommendations of the Supreme Leader so that they not fall into the trap of these divisive measures and not appear as internal enemies or enemy enablers.