By Seyed Abbas Aghaei Niaraki

Tehran-Beijing ties on winning streak: envoy

July 21, 2024 - 22:54

Tehran- In a recent meeting with an Iranian media delegation that visited Qinghai Province, China, Cong Peiwu, the Chinese Ambassador to Iran, made several significant remarks.

He highlighted that, according to official statistics, China's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the first half of this year reached 61.7 trillion yuan, marking a 5% increase compared to the previous year. International institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank have revised their growth forecasts for China upward, expressing confidence in China's economic outlook.

Ambassador Cong Peiwu referenced the third plenary session of the ruling Chinese Party, noting that the focus of this meeting was on reforms. He emphasized that this session signals a strong commitment to maintaining the momentum of reforms. The session occurs during a time of complex international conditions and challenging reform and development tasks for China.

He elaborated that the ruling party's emphasis is on reforms and modernization with a Chinese characteristic. Over 300 significant reform measures are under review, all aimed at enhancing systemic mechanisms. The goal is to adopt new approaches and implement new reforms in response to emerging issues.

The Chinese Ambassador also outlined that the session included a report on Chinese-style modernization, emphasizing a firm commitment to an independent foreign policy. The session highlighted the promotion of building a community with a shared future for mankind, applying shared values for humanity, and focusing on global development, security, and civilization initiatives.

Ambassador Peiwu noted that President Xi Jinping has repeatedly affirmed that China's doors will remain open and will continue to open further. He expressed optimism about building a new development model to leverage new economic advantages, hoping that major projects like the "Belt and Road" Initiative would be developed jointly and of high quality to benefit the world.

Regarding the recent signing of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement between Iran and China, Ambassador Cong Peiwu mentioned that President Xi, in his congratulatory message to the newly elected Iranian President, explicitly expressed a desire for deeper cooperation between the two countries. The Iranian president-elect also welcomed this and emphasized valuing the traditional friendship between Iran and China.

When asked about priority projects anticipated between the two countries under the 25-year roadmap, Ambassador Cong Peiwu responded that the comprehensive plan has played a positive role in bilateral relations. He cited President Xi’s message expressing a desire to jointly guide the development of relations. He highlighted that future cooperation should continue within the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative and noted the historic first arrival of the China-Europe train in Tehran.

The Ambassador also mentioned new areas of cooperation, such as high-quality agricultural exports from Iran to China, which has been welcomed by China. He indicated that a green channel for Iranian agricultural imports was established last year.

Ambassador Cong Peiwu spoke about potential cooperation in new energy sectors to drive bilateral development. He expressed confidence that the positive role of the 25-year plan will soon become evident.

In response to questions about the economic relations between Iran and China and their current status compared to the ideal level, Ambassador Cong noted a positive trend in trade cooperation. China has been Iran’s largest trading partner for several years and is a major destination for Iranian exports. The trade volume between China and Iran exceeds that of Iran with all European countries combined. Furthermore, Chinese companies are actively participating in various Iranian exhibitions, such as those focused on oil and automotive parts.

Ambassador Cong acknowledged that there is room for enhancing trade cooperation and that the third plenary session of the Chinese ruling Party’s focus on modernization may offer additional opportunities for the development of bilateral relations. He highlighted that China’s development creates new driving forces for cooperation.

Regarding private sector involvement, Ambassador Cong stated that China welcomes the development of private companies, which could positively impact bilateral relations. He emphasized that Chinese companies seek a transparent and stable investment environment in Iran, benefiting both nations.

In response to questions about the potential impact of a Trump presidency on the 25-year agreement, Ambassador Cong noted that U.S. elections are an internal matter. He reiterated China's opposition to using bilateral relations with Iran as a pretext during U.S. elections and affirmed that the 25-year plan is a long-term initiative with positive outcomes expected despite external challenges.

Regarding the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), Ambassador Cong stated that China views the agreement as a critical component of the international non-proliferation regime and believes in the importance of protecting the agreement. He called on the parties responsible for undermining the agreement to rectify their mistakes and return to proper implementation.

On China's role in mediating the Palestinian issue, Ambassador Cong explained that China has consistently articulated its position, advocating for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state based on United Nations resolutions, particularly the Security Council’s resolutions. He stressed the importance of promptly and comprehensively implementing these resolutions and noted China’s constructive role in promoting peace and coordination with Iran in this context.

Concluding the session, Ambassador Cong emphasized that China and Iran’s cooperation is strategic and extends beyond economic realms. He expressed satisfaction with the growing collaboration on regional and international issues and the ongoing cooperation within frameworks such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and BRICS.

Following this, Feng Chun, the political counselor at the Chinese Embassy in Iran, addressed questions and clarified statements. He responded to queries about recent criticisms from the UK against Iran, China, North Korea, and Russia, asserting that Western countries promote unilateralism to preserve their hegemony. He criticized NATO's eastward expansion and the U.S.'s promotion of the Ukraine crisis as efforts to maintain Western dominance.

Feng Chun emphasized that China opposes NATO’s expansion into the Asia-Pacific region and reaffirms its stance on defending sovereignty and interests. He also highlighted the importance of media fighting against Western hegemony and supported enhanced cooperation with countries like Iran and Russia to counteract external interference.

Regarding China's view on the new Iranian government's foreign policy, as expressed in the President-elect’s article in Tehran Times, Feng Chun stated that China’s approach remains strategically focused on the long-standing and friendly relations between the two countries. He assured that China is committed to deepening bilateral relations in the current turbulent international environment and effectively implementing the consensus between the leaders of China and Iran.