Iranian Army chief celebrates naval self-sufficiency milestone

July 10, 2024 - 21:18

TEHRAN – Major General Abdolrahim Mousavi, the commander of the Iranian Army, has praised the country's young experts for significant military advancements, declaring the Navy's self-sufficiency in global navigation.

During a visit to an exhibition in Sirjan showcasing the Iranian Navy's technological and scientific achievements, General Mousavi highlighted the success resulting from collaboration between universities, research institutions, and the Navy.

“In this exhibition, we witness the Navy’s logistical and support requirements for oceanic missions being met through cooperation, achieving feats once deemed impossible,” Mousavi stated. “We have not only fulfilled our seafaring needs but also gained additional capabilities through elite collaboration, ensuring superior performance in oceanic operations.”

General Mousavi emphasized that similar progress has been made across all military fields in Iran. Iranian officials reaffirmed the nation's commitment to enhancing its defense and deterrence capabilities, including missile power, which remain non-negotiable.

In recent years, Iran's Navy has achieved self-reliance in manufacturing surface and sub-surface vessels and has increased its presence in international waters to safeguard maritime routes and ensure the security of merchant vessels and tankers.

Amid tensions heightened by foreign intervention in the region, the Islamic Republic is increasing its naval presence in the high seas.

Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, Leader of the Islamic Revolution, noted in August 2023 that the Navy’s operations in distant waters, such as the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, enhance national security.

Marking a historic milestone, Iran’s 86th naval flotilla, comprising the Dena and Makran warships, embarked on a global voyage in September 2022. Departing from Bandar Abbas on September 20, 2022, the flotilla concluded its 236-day journey by anchoring at Oman's Salalah harbor. Covering a total distance of 63,000 kilometers, the fleet crossed the equator four times during its remarkable expedition.

Dena is a Mowj-class destroyer that joined the Iranian Navy in June 2021. The military vessel is equipped with anti-ship cruise missiles, torpedoes and naval cannons.

Makran is a forward base ship weighing 121,000 tons. The warship can carry five helicopters and is employed for providing logistical support for combat warships.